Working Hours Online

Former Home Business Magazine, now featuring Internet Marketing Bugle content by way of product reviews, updates and business blueprints.

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Brand New Business Opportunity!

If you are looking for a business that you can build up from home to provide you with a good extra income then Hatched & Matched may be for you. If, on the other hand, you are looking for an easy no effort enterprise that will make you a millionaire overnight then it isn’t.

This is not some “business opportunity” where we cannot tell you anything about it until we have your money. If you read on you will discover exactly what this business is about and how for some people it could just be what they are looking for. But it will not suit everybody so I think it is important that you understand what is involved before you make a decision.

First of all lets look at the plus side:

• Only requires an investment of under £40
• You do not need any specialist or technical knowledge.
• It is totally your business and you run it as you wish.
• One sale will recover your investment
• It is possible to get others to find your customers for you.

So what is it all about?

When I was searching the Internet a few months ago I came across a web site in the USA which had the details of a couples wedding in San Diego. It contained pictures of the Happy Couple, the Church they were due to be married in. There were also details of the major guests, Matron of Honour, Best Man and Bridesmaids as well as directions to the church. The site also contained links to local hotels and the stores holding the couples wedding gift list.

After a little more research I discovered that in the USA both wedding and Birth announcement sites are becoming very popular. The next job was to search around
to see if there was anyone offering these types of web sites in the UK and I did
find one or two. The point though was that to get one of these sites you would have to go onto the Internet and find it for yourself. And this was were I saw what I think is a tremendous opportunity.

Although having your own Wedding or Birth Announcement web site is a great idea how many happy couples or expectant parents will even know that such sites exist?. Yet if there was someone in their local area to tell them about such sites and offer to provide one do you think they might be interested?

I am sure they would.

From my research the average price for one of these web sites is between £75 and £80, which is really a drop in the ocean, when you think that the average wedding costs £12,000. Now you can offer a Wedding or Birth Announcement sites to potential customers in your area by taking out a Hatched & Matched licence. As a licensee you can offer the following services:

Weddings and Births Announcement Web sites based on a selection of templates which will expand as time goes on and personalised with the information and pictures supplied by your customer. Remember no technical knowledge required.

Up to 6 months hosting for the web site via our fast, reliable web servers hosted in state of the Art Data Cantres and backed up to a seperate secure location.
Changes or updates to the site as required. (normally without charge).
Full telephone and email support

For this all-inclusive service the charge is just £35 per site including 6 months hosting. Now if you are selling this site to your customer for £75 or £80 you are going to make a very healthy profit on each sale.

Who is behind Hatched & Matched?

My name is Dave Bromley and some of you may have heard of my Business
Opportunity Bureau. I had the original idea and have contributed to the marketing plan. However, the real driving force behind Hatched & Matched is Derek Chambers. Derek who owns and runs the budget priced web hosting company and a budget priced web site design company will be running the day-to-day operation. Derek has been in business since the late 90's. All your sites will be hosted on 1st Both Dave and Derek have been involved in the Home Business industry for many years and are respected members of the Home Business Alliance (H.B.A and The B.O.A.R.D).

The Business

We will be issuing a maximum of 200 Licences for £39.95 each. Each licensee is
entitled to have as many Wedding and Birth Announcement Sites created and Hosted by 1st ChoiceWeb Host for only £35 each. They will also receive a Licensees CD containing copies of the templates, Business Plan Manual and Birth and Wedding Information Forms. Finally they will also get 3 Template CDs, which you can show to prospective customers and access to the Hatched & Matched Phone Help Line.

Why just 200 licences?

There are two reasons why we decided on 200. The first was so that we did not flood the market or have too many people centred in one area. The second reason is that this is a completely new business and we want to get it right. If we sold too many licences we could easily get flooded with orders and Derek would not be able to provide the personal service that we consider so important.

The next 6 months are going to be a big learning curve for our licensees and us. If as we expect this really takes off there are many additional services that you could offer your customers and we have plenty in mind. But we do not want to run before we can walk. Also the feedback that we get from our licensees is going to be invaluable in helping us take Hatched & Matched forward.

Early in this letter I gave you the plus side of Hatched & Matched so I think it is only fair that I also give you the minus side. I am doing this because although you will only be investing £39.95 I really want you to be certain that this business is for you and be as convinced by its potential as we are.

It is brand new and untried.

You will need at some stage to talk to your customers and get their details. (Some people may not like doing this).

This is not a Franchise, once the licence is issued it will beyour business, with your business name and you will be in charge.

We can give you no guarantee as to what the earning
potential is because even we do not know ourselves yet.

But I suspect that earnings will be directly proportionate to
the effort put in. Therefore you will need to be positive and
committed to get the maximum benefits.

(If you have any doubts about this do not buy a licence)

Although not essential a digital camera and or a scanner
would be useful. (We can if required scan from photos).

You will notice, I hope, that there is no “Hype” in this letter. We respect our partners,(and if you buy a licence that is what you would be) far too much to try and fool or hoodwink them.

It is an honest offer from honest people who tell it as we see it. It is a brand new business that should work. Because it is so new I have deliberately kept the cost of the licences low so that after one sale you will have got your investment back.

Please, please if you do not think you can sell at least one site do not buy a licence.

If like me you can see the potential and want to be in at the beginning then this is for you. Believe me if this initial launch proves as successful as I hope the licence fee will go up way above its current price but as a founder licensee that will not effect you.

The Bridal and Infant markets are huge, (far bigger than Internet marketing or Business Opportunities) and I can see a lot of long term potential for Hatched & Matched to grow and prosper and I would like you to be part of that prosperity but
the decision is yours.

Wishing you all the very best,

Dave Bromley

P.S. Remember that you or your customer do not need any technical skills such as web design or other computer knowledge, we take care of all of that for you - consider us your own personal technical support team.

Order your licence Today


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