Working Hours Online

Former Home Business Magazine, now featuring Internet Marketing Bugle content by way of product reviews, updates and business blueprints.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Internet Marketing Center Lives On

This mailing from IMC shows that it is business as usual for the team ... which is what Corey would have wanted, naturally.

Dear Martyn,

If you got Tracy's letter earlier today, you know that Corey Rudl unexpectedly passed away in a tragic car-racing accident on Thursday, June 2, 2005.

Some of you may already know me... But for those of you who don't, I'll tell you that Corey was not only my colleague and mentor, he was also one of my best friends.

So first, I want to take a moment to thank everyone for the outpouring of support we've received since getting this terrible news.

Our office has received literally hundreds of e-mails and phone calls... Stacks of condolence cards and flowers have started to arrive daily... And we've seen hundreds of tribute web pages with stories about how Corey changed people's lives.

It's been touching -- astonishing really -- to see how many lives Corey positively impacted in his short 34 years...

I know he certainly changed my life forever.

And that's why, out of loyalty and respect, I am honored to be taking on the role of continuing Corey's legacy and continuing to grow his company, The Internet Marketing Center.

I've spent many late nights over the last ten days having heart-to-heart discussions with Tracy (Corey's wife) and his Dad, John Rudl. And everyone agrees -- Corey would want us to continue on.

I will miss Corey every day... However, as I said to our team at IMC a few days ago, Corey has spent the last couple of years working to build a company that could sustain itself -- and his work was finally complete. Over the last couple of years, he'd left more and more of the development of cutting-edge marketing tools and strategies to our team.

So while it pains me to know that Corey will not be here to see this company grow, I know he would want us to make it happen... and I suspect that he'll be watching to make sure we get it right :-)

With that said, I want to reassure all of our customers and subscribers that The Internet Marketing Center will continue to move forward. Any product or service you have purchased from us -- or plan to purchase from us -- will be honored.

And we will continue to release new, industry-leading Internet marketing strategies and tools (including the last few products and software that Corey completed before he passed away)...

Corey lived his life with passion.

So I would like to end this e-mail with a challenge to you...

I know from working side by side with Corey for the last eight years, his biggest "pet peeve" was that so many people would buy his products, but then never use them to their full capability... they would never take action and apply them.

Corey was a man who truly wanted people to succeed and he was a man who would never settle for mediocrity... so seeing people with dreams who would not take action to achieve those dreams would drive him crazy.

So with that said, in honor of Corey, I challenge you to start something today. Write down your business goals. Test something new on your site. Try something different, something unique, and then share your results with us.

I know in my heart this would make Corey smile, wherever he may be.

Best regards,

Derek Gehl
Chief Executive Officer, and Corey's Biggest Fan
The Internet Marketing Center


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