5 Keys to Online Marketing Success
Marketing your MLM / Network Marketing Business may sound like a great idea (which it is); however it may also seem incredibly difficult and down right intimidating if you're not already an internet marketer or web-designer. I can safely assume that this includes most of the internet users and most MLM / Network Marketers. We're marketers not web-designers - right?
We all know that there is money to be made marketing online, but feel overwhelmed when even thinking how or where to start. To help rectify the issue of most people not knowing how to create webpages, many companies have started providing replicated corporate websites for those involved with their particular companies. This has been a step in the right direction, but for most of us out there who have tried to marked our replicated corporate sites - it just doesn't work! Pushing a replicated corporate site doesn't work because it falls under pitching a business opportunity to people - and most people really could care less about your opportunity, compensation plan, products, etc. One of the first things you need to learn to be successful in MLM / Network Marking is that you don't pitch your opportunity - don't market the business, market yourself - same is applied with your websites. Your websites need to be marketing yourself and branding yourself first and foremost - not pushing a particular opportunity or compensation plan, etc...
Now lets take a deeper look into the 5 keys to online marketing success:
1 - Personalized Customizable Websites and Capture Pages
Obviously the first thing we need to have in place is webpage to be successful with online marketing. As mentioned above, I'm not talking about replicated corporate websites. I'm referring to a website that is personalized and customized to you - not the company your opportunity is with, not the products you offer, not the best compensation plan on the planet - YOU! Again, one of the first things that you need to do is reprogram your thinking in regards to network marketing. Network marketing isn't about marketing a business opportunity - it's about marketing yourself. The industry itself is proof enough that marketing an opportunity is going to get you broke, as this is what 97% of the network marketers do - and 97% of network marketers fail with their business.
Now you may be sitting there thinking, "Okay that sounds great, but I still don't know how to make my own professional looking website." Don't stress this for now, as I will be covering more about how to get around paying a professional webdesigner in the 4th key to online marketing success.
2 - Build Your Own List that you OWN and Control
Have you heard the teaching, "The money is in the list!"? Well, that is the empirical truth in MLM / Network Marketing! Your customers and prospects come from your list of leads. This list of leads should grow over time. So, if you haven't guessed it already, I'm not talking about the list where you "write down all your family, friends, coworkers, and neighbors." This is standard old school MLM / Network Marking teaching, and it doesn't work. All of us have learned from harsh experience that 'creating' a list in this manner doesn't work - in fact it harms your business more than anything, not to mention alienates you from your family and friends.
The list you build with online marketing is far different than the friends / family list. So you have the idea of what list I'm talking about, think of this: Have you ever gone to a website where they have you enter your name, email address, phone number, etc to gain access to information? This is the type of list we're talking about - and this list will build itself overtime. You don't ever manually add anybody to this list.
So if you've been following the process so far, you need a personalized and customizable website that will collect the the name, email address, phone number, etc of your visitors. This information will be added to your list of leads and may eventually become prospects for your business opportunity or products.
Turning your leads into prospects is accomplished through creating a relationship with your list. This again is marketing yourself and keeping the attention on you. A massive list of people who don't pay attention to you is worthless! There are tools out there to assist you with creating a relationship with you list and managing it at the same time. All of us with success in online marking utilize an auto responder. This is a system that auto responds to to your leads when they sign up to your list. An auto responder that is setup with great care and thought is a very, very valuable and powerful tool. For instance, you can generate a series of emails to be automatically sent out to your leads at different increments of time, which are designed to build a relationship and establish trust with your lead.
3 - Streamlined Sales Funnel
Okay so now you have your personalized and customized website, which captures your visitors information and builds your list. You also have your auto responder up and running, and building a relationship with your list that is building. All of this is great so far, but if you don't have a place to direct your subscribers to gain further information, what is the point? This is where the sales funnel comes in. It's worth noting here that this is the same system that even the traditional MLM / Network Marketing Pros have been doing for years - even before bringing their businesses to the internet.
The concept is pretty easy and a very, very powerful means of generating income from monetizing all of your prospects. It's an industry statistic that 95% of all people who see your opportunity will choose not to join you. That means that only 5% will join you in your business. However, you can still monetize and offer value to the other 95% who choose not to join you. This is what the sales funnel will accomplish for you on auto pilot. This works by offering training courses, books, and other products that may interest your prospects. Once you have designed a successful sales funnel, these sales will help to pay for your marketing expenses also.
Another added benefit of the sales funnel is it will sort and qualify your true prospects from the "tire kickers". Your time as a business owner is valuable; you want to spend as much time as possible in money generating activities. If you have to continually deal with individuals who are not really that interested in what you offer in the way of products, trainings, or even your opportunity - then you're seriously wasting your time and will go broke really fast! You want to spend your valuable time with quality prospects who are interesting in the industry and have a much higher chance of being successful - your sales funnel will sort out and qualify these people for you.
4 - Training Platform and a Replicatable System
With all that has been covered above, you should be all set and ready to start marketing effectively with your website. However, the system isn't fully complete at this stage. As is the case with MLM / Network Marketing, you should be adding others to your team. Trouble here is, members require training to be effective network marketers. This training requires a lot of time, and we have already covered that your time is valuable. To truly leverage your time and the internet, you should have an automated training system in place that you can simply plug your new members into, and they receive the training they need to get started. Granted, this isn't to completely replace contact with your team members, but it is going to be impossible for you to spent all the needed time with each individual to give them all of the training. So automate what you can and assist with the rest in person.
We all know that if you want your team to be successful, you as the leader need to ensure that your new members get money into their pockets within 30 - 90 days of starting out; otherwise, it becomes very difficult to keep your team and new members motivated and they will burn out and quit. To simply get new members and train them with the same knowledge that is bringing you success isn't going to do a lot of good if your new members also don't know how to build the website and put these systems into place. Hence, it is very important that your marketing system that you're training your new members on, be completely replicatable and customizable so your members can personalize it to themselves. So again, not only do you need to have all of this in place for you, but the system needs to be easy replicatable and customizable, so your members can personalize it to themselves. If your system is designed well, your automated training should be able to provide the step-by-step training to get the system and websites personalized and customized to your members.
5 - Automated means to place Your Opportunity in front of Your Prospects
The last and final piece of the 5 keys to online marketing success is a means to place your opportunity in front of your prospects. Remember again, that 95% of the prospects who see your opportunity will turn it down; however, that does not mean that they wouldn't be interested in joining with you and your fully personalizable and customizable online marketing system. Again, this is what the sales funnel portion of the system is all about, to sort and qualify your prospects before you even present them with your opportunity. As the final piece to the puzzle, after your prospects have opted to learn more, your sales funnel directs them to the page where you present your opportunity. This is a page personalized to you - where you explain your opportunity and demonstrate to your prospect how it will solve their problem. If you get a prospect all the way to viewing your prospect, but you don't provide value to yourself in how you present the opportunity - they won't join you! So I can't emphasize enough, don't merely forward your prospects over to a replicated corporate website and hope your prospect joins, because they most likely won't. First build value in yourself and your opportunity - only when your prospect is ready to join you in your opportunity can you then point them to the replicated corporate website to actually sign-up and join you in your business.
These are the 5 keys to online marketing success that all the MLM / Network Marking pros are using to generate success on the internet. Now at this point you may still feel a bit overwhelmed about how to build all of this, get it put into place, and have it working for you. To have something like this custom built by a webdesigner is going to cost thousands of dollars, which is a lot for most starters in the MLM / Network Marketing Industry. Lucky for you, this work has already been completed and in place. This is the same system that I utilize, which brings me online marketing success! If you are ready to get started and learn about the system I have in place to accomplish all of the 5 keys to online marketing success - I invite you to enter your information in the boxes provided to the right. This will get you subscribed to my MLMOnlineGold Newsletter and also gain you access to more information about my system and how it will benefit you.
Wesley Dewsnup
Skype: Wesley_Dewsnup
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/people/Wesley-Dewsnup/518213355
Blog: http://www.WesleyDewsnup.com
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