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Friday, October 22, 2010

Business Coaching: Pros and Cons of Fun Exercises

As a business coach, it is your job to teach small to medium sized business owners and their employees how to run successful and profitable businesses. There are many ways you can do this. You can lecture, handout reading materials, or do fun training exercises. All are great, but fun exercises are sure to catch your eye. Do know however, that they have pros and cons.

The Pros of Fun Training Exercises

They can easily hold the attention of group members. People love fun. What people dislike is listing to lectures and reading training materials. These are very boring. No one wants to spend their day stuck in an office chair. By developing fun and interactive exercises, you get the attention of group members. They are listing to what you say and watching what happens. They aren’t staring off into space.

They allow you to accomplish two goals. That is the task at hand, such as improving office organization, and teamwork. Most activities involve thinking and working together as a team. Consider it a two for one deal. You work on improving and show the importance of office teamwork, while also focusing on other important components of running a business, such as sales, marketing, and workplace communication.

They get workers to lighten and loosen up. Most employees dread training sessions. They think they are boring and there are concerns if supervisors are present. What if the wrong thing is said? Fun and interactive exercise allow workers to loose. They should participate more in discussions at the end of the session. For example, lecture on the importance of workplace conflict and then ask the audience to share tips. You will get a few responses. On the other hand, have two employees act out a conflict. Then, ask the audience to share what the volunteers did right and wrong. What the hands fly in the air.

They are easy to plan. To plan fun and interactive training exercise, use nothing more than your creativity. You may be surprised how many ideas come to you. For example, you can create a game based on the show Family Feud. Divide the room into two groups. Ask team members questions and they must come up with the best five answers, such as how to avoid workplace conflict or how to peacefully resolve it.

The Cons of Fun Training Exercises

It is easy to get off track. As for why interactive training exercises work, they are fun. Unfortunately, fun doesn’t always translate into good. A group of volunteers role-playing workplace conflict may start to goof off. This can fill the room with lots of laughter and jokes, but what about the task? If you find your audience or group getting off track, restate the importance. In fact, mention they need to take the exercises seriously or you will resort to a lecture style teaching.

Your client, the business owner, may not like the approach. Most business coaches work one-on-one with a business owner or operating manager before training the entire team. If you intend to use fun and interactive training exercises, state so before hand. The last thing you want is to see a disapproving manger in the back. Explain the benefits of these exercising, including teamwork and attention hold, and then give a few examples.

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