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Saturday, April 14, 2007

Convicted Criminals With YOUR Details

You may or may not know this, but the DVLA is selling your personal details to companies and other organisations without your permission.

All they need is to be registered with the DVLA - input your vehicle registration. Hey presto your name and address are given to the company.

Recently the Daily Mail and other newspapers have written about such companies and how it is believed that the DVLA is in breach of the Data Protection Act.

Some of the companies registered with the DVLA are run by convicted criminals.

The DVLA charges £2.50 per request.

No other Government Department or Agency has the right to sell information about you.

The Data Protection Agency is not happy, MPs are not happy but the DVLA is selling your details with the full backing of the Treasury and the Government.

There is a legal e-petition available for you to sign if you want to make your feelings known to the government. The petition dead line is 17th April 2007.

Full petition description for your information In some Tesco supermarket car-parks, all cars are photographed as they enterand again when they leave. The date & time at which each photograph is taken is recorded, and if the car has exceeded the free parking allowance, Tesco's computer sends a file of registration numbers to the DVLA.

The DVLA computer adds the name & address related to each registration, and sends the file back. Tesco then post a bill to the person who has over-stayed. I understand that the DVLA needs to know who owns a car, but this information is private, and should not be used for commercial purposes.

The petition description relates to Tesco, but big companies such asMcDonalds are using private car park enforcement companies who have registered with the DVLA to get your personal details.

There is a link below if you wish to sign the petition.

Please feel free to pass this on to your friends and colleagues.

Reg Walker


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