Working Hours Online

Former Home Business Magazine, now featuring Internet Marketing Bugle content by way of product reviews, updates and business blueprints.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Advertising Rates

Working Hours 'home business' Magazine download - Advertising Annotated
I am currently testing a new system for posting to WHM Blog. This post acts as a test message but do feel free to advertise with Working Hours Magazine :-)

Full Page: Insertion into next issue of WHM plus placed on it’s own page on main website. Ad will have it’s own URL and you can use any link you please as the destination. £17.00 for one placement, £10.00 for each continuous month thereafter.

Half Page: Insertion into next issue of WHM plus placed on it’s own page on main website. Ad will have it’s own URL and you can use any link you please as the destination. £14.00 for one placement, £7.00 for each continuous month thereafter.

Quarter Page:
Insertion into next issue of WHM. You can use any link you please as the destination. £5.00

Display Ad: 25 words plus one link. £10.00 for minimum of three
insertions, also includes display on main website.
NOTE: By having full or half page size your advert also gets it’s own page with unique address, therefore you can link to it from anywhere else on the Internet or from off-line.


Office Alterations

Apologies for being a little on the quiet side this past few weeks.

I'm updating the complete office computer system (again), some members will recall that this was done around 18 months ago but, since then, my main server has been playing up in a technical way, so I decided to upgrade.

I'm putting the finishing touches to transferring gigabytes of data from one computer to the other. I now have a top of the range system with full back-up facilities which will help the business to serve customers much more efficiently.

If you have sent an email since the middle of January 2007 and I haven't replied, please re-send it and I'll ensure it gets dealt with. I must confess to, possibly, losing a few emails during the refurbishment.

All will be back to normal within a few days.

Thank you for subscribing.


Monday, February 05, 2007

70,000 People Can't Be Wrong

From January to December 2006 the main Working Hours web site has had just short of 70,000 visitors. This figure has now gone over the 70,000 mark.

This shows that everything done to promote working from home is worthwhile, and so thanks to everyone who's visited and taken a look around.