Working Hours Online

Former Home Business Magazine, now featuring Internet Marketing Bugle content by way of product reviews, updates and business blueprints.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Article: Resell Rights

Resell Rights Explained

There are three ways to start making money on the Net:

Create your own product and sell it.

Become an affiliate to a hot-selling product and promote it, and

Get the resell rights to a good product and resell it.

No. 3 is what I am going to explain in this article.

First of all let's make some terms clear:

Your Normal Rights: When you buy a product (ebook, software, or anything) online, you do not get the rights to resell it. You are NOT allowed to resell it or even give it away to your closest friends. You have the right to USE the product and create a back up copy for it. That's it. Nothing more.

Give Away Rights: When a product comes with Give Away Rights, that means you get a copy of the product and that you can also give it away to anyone for FREE.

Resell Rights: When a product comes with Resell Rights, that means you get a copy of the product you can use and that you can also resell to your customers. However, your customers CANNOT resell this product. If your customers also want to sell this product, they have to buy the resell rights from the owner that sold those rights to you.

Master Resell Rights: When a product comes with Master Resell Rights, that means

You get a copy of the product you can use

You can resell this product to your customers AND

Your customers can also resell this product to THEIR customers too.

Restrictions imposed by the owner/creator: When you buy a product with Resell Rights OR Master Resell Rights, you better check on any special restrictions the owner has imposed on your rights. For example, you may have bought the Master Resell Rights for a product, BUT this does not mean you can:

Give the product away.

Include this product in your affiliate program.

Include the product in a package and resell the whole package.

Include a product in a membership site.

If you are NOT sure about your rights, DO NOT EVER decide by yourself. Contact the owner (email or call them) and ask for your rights. If you want to add the product in a package, ask her/him to allow you to do so. NEVER act before obtaining that special license.

So if you are not sure about your rights, NEVER act by your instinct or by your will. Always be sure about your rights; otherwise, you'll get into trouble - even legal trouble.

What price?

In most cases, the owner suggests that you NOT lower the price of the product you get with Resell or Master Resell Rights. Although this is not a legal or an obligatory restriction (especially in USA), I'd advise you to comply with what the owner asks from you.

Do you know why? Because in the case of the Master Resell Rights, you get a product with a low cost, but if you give it away or lower the price, you're actually killing it and saturating the market. That especially happens when the product is brand NEW. Do not kill the product by lowering the price and always respect the work done by the owner.

So, what basically happens when you buy a product with Resell Rights is this:

You get the product itself.

You get special permission from the owner that you can resell the product.

You get any promotional material the owner has created for this product, like email ads, solo ads, banners, autoresponder follow-up messages, etc.

You get a complete website you can use to resell the product.

To your Internet Marketing Success

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Gilbey's Gourmet Added To WHP Syndicate

Working Hours Publications are pleased to announce that has been launced and is now fully operational.

You can join Nicky Gilbey's newsletter which features useful and fascinating hints, tips and advice along with articles all about the subject of cooking, recipes and general household and kitchen matters.

Working Hours Publications will be introducing more niche websites in the coming months.


Saturday, April 14, 2007

Gary's Gone

There are some big names in marketing, Internet, copywriting etc. and I can't remember meeting with any of them.

I hear the same names cropping up in conversations, articles and emails etc. and can only assume that they are the true 'greats' in their field of expertise.

Gary Halbert was one of those names that have been mentioned over and over. I've read some of his works and been advised to read more.

I have never met him and never even spoken to him over the 'phone as I have with some 'names'. Goodness, I've never even emailed him.

But I do believe that I am doing all this Internet and marketing stuff because of him.

Gary Halbert died on Easter Sunday.

Thanks for everything, then, Gary.

Martyn Brown. Working Hours Publications

See Gary Halbert's email series at no cost and no catch:

Convicted Criminals With YOUR Details

You may or may not know this, but the DVLA is selling your personal details to companies and other organisations without your permission.

All they need is to be registered with the DVLA - input your vehicle registration. Hey presto your name and address are given to the company.

Recently the Daily Mail and other newspapers have written about such companies and how it is believed that the DVLA is in breach of the Data Protection Act.

Some of the companies registered with the DVLA are run by convicted criminals.

The DVLA charges £2.50 per request.

No other Government Department or Agency has the right to sell information about you.

The Data Protection Agency is not happy, MPs are not happy but the DVLA is selling your details with the full backing of the Treasury and the Government.

There is a legal e-petition available for you to sign if you want to make your feelings known to the government. The petition dead line is 17th April 2007.

Full petition description for your information In some Tesco supermarket car-parks, all cars are photographed as they enterand again when they leave. The date & time at which each photograph is taken is recorded, and if the car has exceeded the free parking allowance, Tesco's computer sends a file of registration numbers to the DVLA.

The DVLA computer adds the name & address related to each registration, and sends the file back. Tesco then post a bill to the person who has over-stayed. I understand that the DVLA needs to know who owns a car, but this information is private, and should not be used for commercial purposes.

The petition description relates to Tesco, but big companies such asMcDonalds are using private car park enforcement companies who have registered with the DVLA to get your personal details.

There is a link below if you wish to sign the petition.

Please feel free to pass this on to your friends and colleagues.

Reg Walker

Friday, April 06, 2007

Working Hours, Issue 43 Is Ready To Download

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More items later this month.